Last time in secondary school, cibailang -N 3 L- veli lazy, never like to study History, but always excel in drawing class. One day, when SPM trial exam came and he has to take the exam, but ‘cham looo’, he never study before the exam, so instead of tulis karangan or esei sejarah, he answered the sejarah paper using a more expressive way, something which needs more than just menghafal or memorize the stupid facts on tamadun this tamadun that, cibai civilization crap, he end up doin this to as answer in the history paper.
To express his knowledge on Perang Salib (Crusade), Cibailang -N 3 L- answered his history with another drawing. This time it incorporates some latest developments on world politics as well to his drawin.
Even Osama Agrees with Cibailang… kekeke
so funny!! give me balls i wont dare to do tht also!!!
True or not? looks like some cibai plp put up the nonsense later.
hey it’s true lah… my boi is so funny, no? LOL baby i dare you do that again in your exams ^o^
ahahaha.. funniest shit ever.. 😛
it’s trial only lah
that’s why you get to see the results with the red markings.
it’s really fucking good shit, well, only Malaysians will understand this post !!
crazy post, funny character..
I like this blog
ha ha.. wrong clue la!! shud b “Something NICE abt history!”… no wonder u got “JUMPA SAYA” in d end =)